For Professionals

Professionals working in school-based behavioral health will find many resources on this page. Students and the faculty members in the University of Pittsburgh’s School-based Behavioral Health Specialization have developed professional development resources including slide presentations and accompanying study guides, handbooks, forms, newsletters, and pod casts for your use. These materials are copyrighted, so we ask that you contact us before using them in your own work.

Cultural Diversity

Human diversity brings with it diversity in our schools. Yet, educators may not have adequate preparation to engage in culturally sensitive encounters with students and their families.  Our team decided to write a casebook that might enhance educators’ skills and knowledge in communicating and interacting effectively with students and their families who identify with different cultures. 
The casebook is divided into chapters, each exploring a different aspect of diversity. Each chapter includes an explanation and need for cultural sensitivity, and two cases with questions for discussion. One case involves an interaction with a student, while the other case focuses on a parent-teacher interaction. The cases illustrate missteps that adults may make in their interactions with children and their families. Following each case study is a list of questions that may be used for discussion. In addition, three sections titled “What?”, “So what?”, and “Now what?” provide information and tips associated with each of the seven content areas. Finally, a resource section within each chapter includes additional resources that teachers and educators may find useful. Books, websites, and films are included in these resource sections. 
Our casebook is designed for use in teacher preparation classes, new teacher induction, or professional development sessions in schools and youth agencies. It is our sincere hope that these initial suggestions and resources will be useful to educators as they talk about cultural influences and pursue improved practices.  

How Teachers Can Help Me: Student Self Advocacy Booklet

Students affected by trauma and other difficult life circumstances can benefit from having control over their lives at school.  This booklet helps students identify small adaptations that support their learning and sense of safety.  Students who seek attention from adults may also find this book useful in expressing what their needs are.  Students preparing for a 504 or IEP conference can work through this booklet, choosing settings that are especially challenging for them. The booklet is designed to be taken apart and used setting by setting.  For example, if a student is having trouble in art and music, you can use only those sections.  There are two formats of this booklet, double-spaced and single-spaced. The double-spaced version, though longer, may be more readable for some individuals with learning challenges